[. . . ] the connection of Sennheiser condenser microphones and dynamic microphones as weil is carried out using the principle ofvoltage matching. The advantages of this system are that neither impedance variations of the microphone output nor of the amplifier input exercise a noticeable influence on the total frequency response. Of the Sennheiser condenser microphones with A-B powering is so low (approx. [. . . ] Sennheiser condenser microphones produce relatively large output voltages, these can be up to 1 volt with maximum sound pressure levels. This has the advantage that even with long cables induced interference signals can be disregarded. Also the internal noise produced by the microphone does not contribute to the total noise level. The microphones are fitted with high frequency filters, which ensure that no high frequency signals from the microphone can affect the external circuitry, and also that the micro, . It is, therefore, not necessary, Even under the most difficult conditions, to take special precautions such as double screening of the cables or the provision of high frequency filters. Sennheiser condenser microphones are polarised according to DIN standard i. When apressure signal strikes the capsule from the front, Pin 1 goes positive with reference to Pin 3. This snould be considered when the amplifier input plug is being wired. Connection to Amplifiers with Symmetrical Inputs In this case the microphone is simply connected to the input of an amplifier via a battery adapter or the power supply MZN 5-1. According to the DIN standard the feed resistors should be 2 x 180 Q :t 1 %. (Replace only as pal, , ) 0895) The foam-rubber-windshield should be drawn over the sound inlets of the microphone when wind disturbances are evident. " threads and prevents recordings being disturbed by footfall or other strong mechanical disturbanees. The MZT 441 is tagether with the swivel mount MZG 415 and the microphone clamp MZa 415 or the shock mount MZS 415 a stable desk stand for the MKH 50-P48, The swivel mount gives the possibility to use the desk stand tagether with the microphone clamp or the shock mount for the MKH 50-P48. The aeeessories given here are intended for use with Sennheisertransistor eondenser mierophones of the se ries . 5 T the adapter can be connected into the microphone cable at any point. fitted with 9 mercury cells (Mallory RM 625) it provides an operation time of 50 to 60 hours. When plug and socket are cannected together the battery condition is indicated bya bui/t-in signal diode. Ta prevent unnecessary discharge of the batteries the adapter should be disconnected from the microphone when not in use. [. . . ] The microphone inputs must be ungrounded or it would be necessary to use isolating transformers at the inputs. The adapter MZA 15-U dillers from the MZA 15 only in the type of connectors fitted. Provided with Cannon connector XLR-3-11 C and Cannon plug XLR-3-12 C the adapter MZA 15-U is intended for use with the condenser microphones of the series . [. . . ]